At times it is perhaps even more mopy than usual, in sharp contrast to more playful tracks in previous albums such as Summer/ Fever and Daylight of Spring. 有时甚至比以往更加忧伤,这与之前推出的《夏/狂热》和《春日光》等专辑中的那些愉悦的歌曲形成了强烈对比。
When Vimal finally responded, he apologised for his absence and explained that the summer heat was "trouble making" and had given him a fever. 当维姆终于回复我时,他对他的消失表示了歉意,并解释说,夏季的炎热很“麻烦”,让他发了一次烧。
If summer heat brings a disease, it often takes the pathogenic damp to attack the body, and in conjunction with fever, presents stuffy chest, vomiting and loose stools. 故暑邪为病,常兼挟湿邪以侵犯人体。在发热的同时,常出现胸闷呕恶、大便溏泄等。
Objective To explore the etiology, clinical feactures and diagnostic methods of infantile summer fever. 目的探讨婴儿暑热症的病因、临床特点及诊断方法。
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of paroxetine on functional low fever. Treatment of summer fever by nourishing yin to clear away heat and moistening dryness to induce sweat: a report of one case 目的:观察帕罗西汀对功能性低热的疗效。养阴清热润燥透汗法治疗夏季功能性低热1例
The calculation results indicate that during the forthcoming summer, the heat congestion in the body of SARS patient in isolation ward would result from the fever, and may make the illness worse. 计算结果表明,在即将到来的夏季,隔离病房中SARS病人会由于发热而引起热臃塞,并有可能因此导致病情的恶化。
Conclusion Three to six-month old patients who are in poor nourishment, and operated in summer get fever easily in the operational morning. 结论3~6个月患儿、营养不良患儿、夏季手术的患儿易发生术晨热,对这三类患儿应予谨慎对待。
In addition, Professor Wen divided functional fever into infected fever syndrome and summer fever. 温老把常见的功能性发热种类分为感染后发热综合征和夏季热。